Budget Update, 1/27/09

Below is an updated schedule of presentations regarding the school and town FY 10 budgets.This is the optimal time to let the School Committee and Selectmen know your thoughts regarding the proposed FY10 Budget. Please attend the School Committee Public Hearing on 1/29 and the Board of Selectmen working session on 2/7 and Board of Selectmen regular meeting on 2/10, or contact them via e-mail to share your comments by 1/29/09.
School Committee:
Nancy Burdick: nancyb88@hotmail.com
Phil Totino: ptotino@comcast.net
Rebecca Robak: rebeccarobak@aol.com
Richard deMont: rdemont@demontlaw.com
Dave Stoldt: stoldt@comcast.net
Selectmen:Brian Herr: bherr@wesco.comMary Pratt: mpratt102@aol.comMike Shepard: mwshepa@verizon.netMatt Zettek: mezettekjr@aol.comRJ Dourney: rj@hearthstonea.com
January 29, 7:30, Middle School Library
School Committee Public Hearing on Preliminary FY10 Budget
Vote to submit Town Meeting Articles
This will not be televised, as previously reported. We apologize for the error.February 1
Warrant articles due to Board of Selectmen
School Committee submits budget to Town ManagerFebruary 7Board of Selectmen Working Session, Fire Station, 1 pm
February 10Board of Selectmen Meeting, 7 pm, Town Hall
The presentations given to the School Committee on 1/8, 1/15, and 1/22 by the High School, Middle School, Athletic Department Special Education, Buildings and Grounds, Elementary Schools, Technology Department and Central Office have been posted on the School Committee website. Dr. Phelan submitted his preliminary budget to the School Committee on December 18. Follow this link to see the above-listed information:
http://www.hopkinton.k12.ma.us/newweb2/schoolcommittee/budget/budget.php.Find us on FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Educate-Hopkinton/47531526543