Educate Hopkinton Reminds You to Register to Vote!!!

If you are not already registered to vote, please stop by the Town Clerk’s office Monday or Tuesday, in order to be eligible to vote at Town Meeting and in the May 18 town election. Extended Office Hours will be available on Tuesday, April 14th from 8 am – 8 pm.
Also, remember to contact the Town Clerk for Absentee Ballots if you will be out of town on May 18th.
Wed 4/15, 7:00 pm, High School Cafeteria: School Committee Public Forum on Transportation Policy
The School Committee is looking for input and discussion from parents and day care providers on the bus policy. All are invited to attend. Please note this meeting was originally scheduled for 4/8, and has been moved.
@ Wed 4/22: Appropriations Committee Public Hearing on the FY10 Budget
The Appropriations Committee will be scheduling this meeting on or around 4/22, please check for final date, time, and location.
Mon 5/4, 7:00 pm, Middle School Auditorium: Annual Town Meeting Begins
Please note change in location from High School to Middle School!!!!
It is important to have at least one registered voter from each household attend Town Meeting. It begins on Monday, 5/4, and goes for 2-4 days until it is concluded. Budgets for school and town are approved, and important decisions are made regarding purchases, taxes, and town governance.
Fri 5/15, 12 pm, Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, 18 Main Street: All absentee ballots must be received. Applications for an absentee ballot may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s office.
Mon 5/18, 7am – 8 pm, Middle School Brown Gym: Town Elections