FY11 Budget Message and School Committee Meeting tonight

Last week at their October 27 Meeting, the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen announced the following Budget Message for FY11:
- Reduce the FY11 budget by 2.65% from the FY10 budget.
- Build medium and long term sustainability of the town’s finances by addressing minimum recommended reserves as well [as] instituting pay-as-you-go capital as part of the town’s debt service plan.
- Maintain the town’s current level of services even with a 2.65% reduction in budget.
- Continue the coordinated effort by all town departments, boards and committees, to identify more efficient operations, revenue enhancement opportunities and additional cost cutting measures.
The Agenda for tonight’s School Committee Meeting at 7:30pm in the Middle School Library (also on HCAM-TV) has been posted online:
Agenda items include a report from the Full Day Kindergarten Implementation Committee, a report on the Board of Selectmen’s Budget Message and discussion of the FY11 Budget.