Joint Board of Selectmen, School Committee, and Appropriations Committee Meeting rescheduled for Thurs Feb 11 at 7:00 pm

Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting, Tuesday February 9th, 2010 :
The Town Manager was unable to come to last night’s Board of Selectmen meeting due to a sudden illness. Because of this the Board had to postpone the budget discussion portion of the meeting. This joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, and Appropriations Committee has been rescheduled to Thursday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Hearing Room (Room 211) Town Hall. The public is welcome to attend and the meeting will also be televised on HCAM-TV (Comcast channel 8/Verizon channel 30).
In addition, the Town Manager’s reports to the Board of Selectmen regarding a Permanent Building Committee and the Hopkinton Public Library will be continued to another date (TBA).
The Next Step in the Budget Process:
By March 15, the Board of Selectmen will either adopt or amend the Town Manager’s budget, and submit to the Appropriation Committee.