Don’t Forget To Vote Tomorrow! Monday, May 17

Polls are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM in the Middle School Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St (enter by Grove Street. There are several Offices up for election including Selectmen and Planning Board. Read the full ballot at Here’s what’s going on:
Question #1 Elmwood School Boiler – Needs Repair
This ballot question pertains to “the repair, maintenance, renovation and improvement of the boiler and heating system at the Elmwood Elementary School.” The Elmwood School has two boilers; one is out of operation and the other is failing. The funds are needed to ensure proper heating for the students at the Elmwood School. Fortunately when the boiler was replaced at Center School, the project came in under budget. There is money remaining in the Center School account that should cover the cost of the Elmwood boiler replacement. However approval of ballot question #1 is needed to transfer these funds to the Elmwood Project. A yes vote on Question #1 simply allows the transfer of the funds to the appropriate account. There is no additional cost to the taxpayer. This transfer of $145,000 was recommended by both the Appropriations and the Capital Improvements Committees.
Question #2 Downtown Design – Gives the town state money to improve our downtown at minimal cost to us – town supported by a 2/3 majority at town meeting, but must also pass tomorrow at the polls. This ballot question pertains to the Downtown Revitalization Plan. If Hopkinton voters approve the $400,000 Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusion, Hopkinton will qualify for up to $4 million in state construction grants, which will be used to beautify downtown, improve pedestrian access and safety, improve traffic flow and driver safety. The Plan applies to the stretch of Route 135 from Ash to Wood Street. The $400,000 loan will increase taxes by a maximum of $16/year, over five years and is supported by all Town Boards and the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce. Click to read a summary of this question by Peter LaGoy, Chairman, Downtown Revitalization Committee.
By Michael Morton/Daily News staff
HCAM News Special
2010 Ballot Question #2, Downtown Revitalization with Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Downtown Revitalization Committee Chair Peter Lagoy.
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There are four running for two seats – choose wisely. Hopkinton will undergo more change in a matter of years than it has in decades. Your Board of Selectmen play a critical role in how our town develops.
John M. Mosher
Joseph E. Nealon 508-435-2312
Benjamin L. Palleiko 617-548-1970
Hopkinton selectmen candidates tackle taxation issue
By Michael Morton/Daily News staff
HopNews Video
Four Hopkinton Selectmen Candidates Introduce Themselves & Andrew Sweeney Interviews Each Selectman candidate
Recap of Selectmen’s Debate
by Mark Collins, HCAM Staff Reporter
Read the Summary
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These are important positions. They make vital decisions that shape the buildings and infrastructure/zoning/resources of our town.
Planning Board, Department of Public Works candidates
By Michael Morton/staff writer GateHouse News Service
Women’s Club Candidates’ Night 2010
by Michelle Murdock, HCAM News Director
Read the Summary
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Hopkinton candidates: Balance town charm vs. growth
By Michael Morton/Daily News staff
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