Your 2 Votes Count

In order to go forward with the proposed new school the question must pass by a 2/3 majority at Special Town Meeting AND it must pass by a simple majority at the Special Town Election.
VOTE #1 Special Town Meeting
Monday, March 21 at 7:00 pm
Hopkinton High School Athletic Center
- You must be present to vote and the meeting may go late into the evening.
- Free babysitting provided at the High School by the HPTA. Please RSVP to
- Read the Special Town Meeting Warrant (aka Agenda)
VOTE #2 Special Town Election
Monday, March 28
Polls Open 7am – 8pm
Middle School Gym
- Absentee ballots are available. Contact the Town Clerk by March 25 at 5:00pm at or 508-497-9710.
- Read the Election Warrant (aka Ballot Question)
What’s Happening?
- A new Pre-K-5 elementary school on Fruit Street is being proposed (it will open Fall 2013), and Center School will be retired. Hopkinton Elementary School Building Project website
- Hopkinton’s Strategic Plan to move toward longer grade spans with three K-5 neighborhood schools will finally be realized. Strategic Plan Sept. 2009, Strategic Plan Updates Dec. 2010
Why Make the Change?
- Center School must be replaced. It poses health and safety issues and struggles to meet the academic needs of our children due to failing infrastructure, space limitations, and ongoing deterioration.
- This grant opportunity allows us to accomplish both our educational and financial goals increasing the efficiency and efficacy of the delivery of education.
Who Supports the Project?
- Hopkinton Appropriations Committee
- Hopkinton Board of Selectmen
- Hopkinton Capital Improvements Committee
- Hopkinton Elementary School Building Committee
- Hopkinton Parent Teacher Association
- Hopkinton School Committee
- Massachusetts Department of Education
- Massachusetts School Building Authority
Why Now?
- We need to vote now to receive a $14 Million grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority in accordance with the Project Funding Agreement between Hopkinton and the MSBA.
- Delay will only cost more. Interest rates are low – construction costs are low.
Get the Facts and Vote!