Hopkinton Compared to Districts that are Similar Based on Grade Configuration, District Wealth and Enrollment
Educate Hopkinton has compiled a chart of district comparison data for your reference, which we have recently posted to our website. School districts that are similar to Hopkinton include: Belmont, Burlington, Canton, Duxbury, Holliston, Marblehead, Medfield, Scituate, Sharon, Westborough and Westwood. While Hopkinton is very similar to these towns, one statistic that stood out was that 23% of Hopkinton’s population is children enrolled in the public schools, in many similar towns a much smaller percentage of the population was enrolled in the schools, this may be because they have more residents without school-age children or may be because more children in those towns attend private schools. Only Medfield had a higher percentage with 24% of its population enrolled in the public schools. http://www.educatehopkinton.com/pdf/Hopkinton_Compared_to_Similar_Districts_09-25-11.pdf