The Library Needs Your Help! Fundraising Meeting Tomorrow

Lindsay McDermott, Hopkinton resident and Educate Hopkinton subscriber, will hold a meeting to brainstorm and begin planning community events to benefit the library. If you would like to plan events, or just help with small tasks, the Library needs you! The meeting will be at Lindsay’s home tomorrow, October 20 at 7:30pm. If you would like to attend, please contact Lindsay for directions at or 508-435-3587. Everyone is welcome!
Over the summer, Hopkinton Public Library was approved and awarded a Massachusetts Public Library Construction Grant in the amount of $4,533,580. Hopkinton’s project, along with several others around the state, will be funded in the state’s 5 year capital plan. Read more about the Library Expansion Project at
Questions? Lindsay McDermott 508-435-3587 Library Expansion Project: