Three Elementary School Planning Community Conversations This Week – Please Attend One

Hopkinton Elementary School Planning
Join the School Committee for an Essential Community Conversation
The School Committee will be a hosting a conversation with the community regarding planning for our elementary schools. To maximize attendance and participation, three dates will be offered and the format and topics will be the same at each event. Attending one of these meetings will empower residents to participate in developing the next proposal to address the challenges that exist across our school facilities. Please make time to join us at one of these three important events:
- Wednesday, November 2, 10 am – 12 pm; Faith Community Church, Room 213
- Wednesday, November 2, 7 pm – 9 pm; High School Cafeteria
- Saturday, November 5, 2 pm – 4 pm; High School Cafeteria
There will be a short recap of the process to date as well as background information provided. The majority of the meeting will be spent in small group discussion focused on evaluation of potential building projects and solutions.
Data collected from these conversations will be shared with the community, and will also be used in the development a community wide survey regarding our elementary schools. The survey will be designed for all Hopkinton voters to participate in.