Board of Selectmen, Town Committee Openings and Road Closure Updates

After the May Town Election, the Board of Selectmen reorganized as they do every year. Ben Palleiko was elected Chair and John Mosher was elected Vice-Chair. Congratulations to them both from the Educate Hopkinton board! Town Hall also has two new faces this month. Welcome to Jamie Hellen, the new Operations Assistant to the Town Manager (replacing Geri Holland), and welcome also to Christopher Ketchen, the new Finance Director (replacing Heidi Kriger). Contact info is below. The Board of Selectmen typically meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm at Town Hall, 2nd Floor Hearing Room. Meetings are usually televised on HCAM-TV. Comments from the public are welcome at the beginning of each regular meeting. There are many openings for volunteers on town boards and committees, please contact Jamie Hellen if you are interested in applying for a position.
Legacy Farms Construction Updates: To stay informed about road closings, be sure to sign up for ALL THREE of the following town email lists:
HPD Traffic Updates:!forum/hpdtraffic
DPW Updates:!forum/dpwworks
Water/Sewer Department Updates:!forum/watersewer
New Town Contact Info:
Ben Palleiko, Chair, Board of Selectmen
John Mosher, Vice Chair, Board of Selectmen
Todd Cestari, Board of Selectmen
Michelle Gates, Board of Selectmen
Brian Herr, Board of Selectmen
Norman Khumalo, Town Manager
Jamie Hellen, Operations Assistant to the Town Manager