Superintendent Search Focus Group Tomorrow and Online Survey

Superintendent Search Focus Group
Monday, November 5 at 7:00-8:30pm
High School Library
Can’t attend in person? Please fill out the form online to give your feedback. What qualities would you want to see in a new Superintendent? What immediate tasks/challenges should the new Superintendent focus on in the first year?
Click to Take the Survey
Click to read more about the Superintendent Search
As you may know, the Hopkinton School Committee has engaged the services of the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for our next Superintendent of Schools.
The School Committee will consider the input of faculty, staff, parents and community in determining the attributes, experience and knowledge that our next Superintendent should possess. Opinion on the immediate tasks and priorities on which our next Superintendent should focus for the next few years, will be valued as well. To that end, professionals from NESDEC will facilitate a community focus group to give interested individuals the opportunity to provide such input.