Milford Casino Developer Files Application with State Gaming Commission

Yesterday was the application deadline for companies wishing to apply for casino and/or slot parlor licenses in Massachusetts. The state Gaming Commission received 11 applications each including a $400,000 non-refundable application fee. Read the MGC final applicant list. There were three applications for Region A, which includes both the Boston area and Milford. One of the applications was from Crossroads Massachusetts, LLC, which is a partnership between Developer David Nunes and Warner Gaming LLC. Nunes has stated in numerous news articles that he would like to build a casino in Milford, on the Hopkinton and Holliston border. Milford is in competition with Suffolk Downs in East Boston, Wynn Resorts in Everett and two other applicants who have not specified a location yet: Mass Gaming & Entertainment and PPE Casino Resorts.
A group of residents from several area towns have formed the group, Casino-Free Milford. If you are interested in helping them or staying informed on this topic, you can sign up for emails or to volunteer on their website: You can also “Like” them on Facebook or sign the petition to Keep Milford Casino-Free, which has over 1,100 signatures to date.
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