Town Election Season has Begun – Save the Dates

Many seats are open for our local town election coming up on May 20, 2013. The following is a list of positions on the ballot as well as important upcoming election dates. To become a candidate a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses; or a combination of both. For more information, contact the Town Clerk’s office at 508-497-9710 or Read more:
- SELECTMEN, For 3 years, Vote for 2
- TOWN MODERATOR, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- TOWN CLERK, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF ASSESSORS, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF HEALTH, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES, For 3 years, Vote for 2
- CEMETERY COMMISSIONER, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- COMMISSIONER OF TRUST FUND, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- CONSTABLES, For 3 years, Vote for 3
- HOUSING AUTHORITY, Unexpired Term 2016, Vote for 1
- PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- PLANNING BOARD, For 5 years, Vote for 2
- SCHOOL COMMITTEE, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- Last day to file nomination papers for Town Election: Mon, April 1
- Last day to register to vote for the Special State Primary: Wed, April 10
- Last day to register to vote for Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election: Tues, April 16
- Special State Primary: Tues, April 30
- Annual Town Meeting begins: Mon, May 6 at 7:00pm
- Annual Town Election: Mon, May 20, 7:00am-8:00pm
- Last day to register to vote for Special State Election: Wed, June 5
- Special State Election: Tues, June 25