Town Election Updates – Candidates Needed

Many seats are open for our local town election coming up on May 20, 2013. The following is a list of positions on the ballot as well as important upcoming election dates. To become a candidate a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses; or a combination of both. The deadline to submit nomination papers is April 1. The date of both political party caucuses is April 12. Some offices have no announced candidates yet. For more information, contact the Town Clerk’s office at 508-497-9710 or Read more:
Offices and Candidates (as of 3/25) on the May 20 Ballot
- SELECTMEN, For 3 years, Vote for 2
Benjamin Palleiko
John Mosher - TOWN MODERATOR, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Bruce Karlin - TOWN CLERK, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Geri Holland - BOARD OF ASSESSORS, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Mary Jo LaFreniere - BOARD OF HEALTH, For 3 years, Vote for 1
*Candidate Needed* - BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES, For 3 years, Vote for 2
Michael McNamara
*2nd Candidate Needed* - CEMETERY COMMISSIONER, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Lynn M Fournier - COMMISSIONER OF TRUST FUND, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Maureen Bumiller - CONSTABLES, For 3 years, Vote for 3
Don Cresswell Sr
Craig Stanley
*3rd Candidate Needed* - HOUSING AUTHORITY, Unexpired Term 2016, Vote for 1
Nancy Kelleigh
Craig Stanley - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, For 3 years, Vote for 1
*Candidate Needed* - PLANNING BOARD, For 5 years, Vote for 2
*2 Candidates Needed* - SCHOOL COMMITTEE, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Amy Ritterbusch
- Last day to file nomination papers for Town Election: Mon, April 1
- Last day to register to vote for the Special State Primary: Wed, April 10
- Last day to register to vote for Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election: Tues, April 16
- Special State Primary: Tues, April 30
- Annual Town Meeting begins: Mon, May 6 at 7:00pm
- Annual Town Election: Mon, May 20, 7:00am-8:00pm
- Last day to register to vote for Special State Election: Wed, June 5
- Special State Election: Tues, June 25