Center School Feasibility Study Article Forum Tuesday on HCAM

In preparation for Annual Town Meeting, the School Committee is hosting an event dedicated to this year’s Center School Feasibility Study warrant article. A short presentation regarding the article followed by a Question and Answer Forum will be presented by representatives from the Elementary School Building Committee, Board of Selectmen and School Committee. The program will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30-8:00 pm at HCAM-TV Studios, 77 Main St (Lower Level), Hopkinton. Residents are invited to attend the forum in person or watch on TV (Verizon Channel 30, Comcast Channel 8, Streaming Live at Residents may submit questions regarding the Feasibility Study article in advance or during the show by email to or call the studio at 508.435.7887 to ask your question live on the air.