School Committee Updates

At the June 20 School Committee Meeting, Nancy Burdick was reelected Chair and Jon Graziano was elected Vice-Chair for the coming year. Over the summer, the School Committee typically meets in non-televised working sessions rather than regular meetings, but their summer schedule has not yet been posted.
Two news articles about the June 13 School Committee Meeting:
- Hopkinton district changes off-campus alcohol policy
By Laura Krantz/Daily News staff
Hopkinton district changes off-campus alcohol policy – also adds possession of a toy weapon that resembles a real weapon to the list of inappropriate activities at school. Read more: - Hopkinton parents: Harder class should count for more
By Laura Krantz/Daily News staff
Three mothers of high school freshmen Thursday night asked the School Committee to increase the GPA weight of accelerated math classes since those classes are more rigorous than honors courses. Read more:
New Contact Info:
- Nancy Alvarez Burdick, Chair
- Jonathan Graziano, Vice-Chair
- Scott Aghababian
- Jean Bertschmann
- Ellen Scordino