Town Election Season is Underway

Just a quick reminder that there are many seats are open for our local town election coming up on May 19, 2014. According to HopNews, four candidates have pulled nomination papers so far, click here to read their names. To become a candidate a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by March 31; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses. The Democratic Caucus is Saturday, April 5 and the Republican Caucus is Friday, April 11.
- SELECTMEN, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF ASSESSORS, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF HEALTH, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES, For 3 years, Vote for 2
- CEMETERY COMMISSIONER, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- COMMISSIONER OF TRUST FUND, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- HOUSING AUTHORITY, For 3 years, Vote for 1
- PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, For 3 years, Vote for 2
- PLANNING BOARD, For 5 years, Vote for 1
- SCHOOL COMMITTEE, For 3 years, Vote for 2
For more information, contact the Town Clerk’s office at 508-497-9710 or Click to read more on the Town Clerk’s website.