Library and Underride Pass; Knight and Nickerson Elected to School Committee

Congratulations to all the participants in the May 19 town election and thank you for your willingness to volunteer for our town. This year 2,132 voters participated, which is more than a 50% increase from last May’s Town Election. The ballot questions for the library expansion funding and the underride both passed. Kelly Knight and Lori Nickerson won the two open seats on the School Committee. All other races were uncontested.
After the election, at the May 20 Board of Selectmen meeting Todd Cestari was unanimously elected Chair and John Mosher was unanimously elected Vice-Chair.
SELECTMEN, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 614
John M Coutinho 1487
Scattered 31
BOARD OF ASSESSORS, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 579
John L Palmer 1545
Scattered 8
BOARD OF HEALTH, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 622
Jennifer Belesi 1499
Scattered 11
BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES, For 3 years, Vote for 2
Blanks 1456
June A Harris 1470
Stanley D Pulnik 1320
Scattered 18
CEMETERY COMMISSIONER, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 611
Claire B Wright 1512
Scattered 9
COMMISSIONER OF TRUST FUND, For 3 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 637
Muriel E Kramer 1478
Scattered 17
HOUSING AUTHORITY, For 5 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 738
Warren E Johnson 1388
Scattered 6
PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, For 3 years, Vote for 2
Blanks 1327
Timothy Kilduff 1459
Amy Markovich 1461
Scattered 17
PLANNING BOARD, For 5 years, Vote for 1
Blanks 705
Francis J DeYoung 1415
Scattered 12
SCHOOL COMMITTEE, For 3 years, Vote for 2
Blanks 820
Kelly J Knight 1230
Lori M Nickerson 1173
Frank E Sivo 1028
Scattered 13
Ballot Question #1 – Underride
Blanks 183
Yes 1421
No 528
Ballot Question #2 – Library Renovation and Expansion Funding
Blanks 33
Yes 1363
No 736