Hopkinton Ten-Year Capital Plan Presented

At the January 20 Board of Selectmen meeting, the Town Manager and Finance Director presented the Capital Improvement Committee’s 10-Year Capital Plan. The CIC has not yet made a recommendation on the proposed $15 million new public works garage on Wood Street, which was recommended by the Permanent Building Committee in December. Selectmen requested more details on many of the articles ASAP so they can decide which items to put on the May Annual Town Meeting warrant. A $400,000 item for Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming near the schools was not recommended by the CIC. Some of the larger items in the General Fund recommended by the CIC include:
- Fire Rescue 1 Replacement $680,000
- Townwide Security Upgrades (School and Town) $300,000
- School Safety & Security $200,000
- Joint Town and School Technology $200,000
- Highway Department 10-Wheel Dump Truck $240,000