203 Pond Street Results

At Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd, Hopkinton voters rejected a proposal to purchase 12 acres of a 43 acre parcel of land at 203 Pond Street for 2 million dollars. The article needed a 2/3 majority vote and failed with 152 residents in favor and 113 against. Several town committees spoke against the purchase of this land including the Appropriation Committee, Community Preservation Committee, Planning Board and Capital Improvements Committee. The town had the right of first refusal to buy the land but needed to make a decision by a March 14 deadline to match the $2 million offer made by developer Diamond Builders. Diamond Builders plans to develop 12 lots on approximately 12 acres.
The remaining 32.4 parcel of land will be conveyed to the Sudbury Valley Trustees. The land will be permanently protected and will result in a new public amenity and improved access to the Upton State Forest.
- Hopkinton Independent: Hopkinton Town Meeting rejects Pond Street land purchase
- Sudbury Valley Trustees: Pond Street-Whitehall Woods
- HCAM: Plan to Purchase Land at 203 Pond Street Fails at Special Town Meeting
Special Town Election – Tuesday, March 10 – The Special Town Election was still held on March 10, because once an election has been scheduled, it cannot be canceled. However, the results were moot because the land purchase already failed at Town Meeting on March 3. In order for the land purchase to go forward it needed to pass at BOTH a town meeting and a town election before the March 14 deadline.
May 10 Election Results:
- 176 Voted in total
- 50 Yes
- 125 No
- 1 Blank