HPS District to Hold Public Forum on STEM Programming in Grades 6-12

On Thursday, April 14 from 7:00PM-8:00PM in the Hopkinton Middle School library there will be a community forum on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) hosted by school administration, building leaders, and teachers. Community members and parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Because STEM programming for middle and high school students will be changing and evolving in the next year, this meeting is an opportunity for the community to learn about the changes in these critical subject areas. Topics will include:
- Hopkinton Grades 6-12 Math Program
- Modifications to our Honors Math program in grade 7 in 2016-2017
- Potential transition of our Grade 8 Honors Math to Grade 8 Algebra I
- Examination of High School pathways to higher-level Calculus
- Preparations for implementing the 2016 Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) Standards, which were approved by the DESE at the end of January
- Programmatic revisions and updates to our Engineering and Technology curricula and courses
It is important that parents and community members take advantage of this meeting to learn about the STEM changes in our district and ask questions of the administration and faculty.
This event is being co-hosted by:
- School Superintendent Dr. Cathy MacLeod
- HHS Principal Evan Bishop
- HMS Principal Alan Keller
- HHS Science Subject Leader Valerie Lechtanski
- HHS Math Subject Leader Carla Crisafulli
- Grades 6-12 Technology/Engineering Subject Matter Leader Doug Scott
- HMS Science Curriculum Leader Linda Brooks
- HMS Math Curriculum Leader Catherine Anusauskas.
For Further Reading:
- Current math pathways for grades 6-12 (for students who entered grade 6 in 2013-15) (key points: no accelerated path until high school; highest achievable level of math is AP Calculus AB; no access to AP Calculus BC)
- Previous math pathways for grades 6-12 (for students who entered grade 6 in 2011-12) (key points: accelerated path offered beginning in grade 7 to those who test into program; highest achievable level of math is AP Calculus BC)
- The Importance of STEM Education
Ask eHop?
Please come to the forum and ask your questions in person. If you cannot attend, please feel free to send them to questions@ehop.org and an eHop Board Member will try to ask them for you at the forum.