What you can do now about Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Be Mindful About Safety & Return to the Basics
- Be alert and make eye contact
- Eliminate distractions when in transit (earbuds, phones, food…)
When on foot:
- Run/walk single file
- Walk/run against traffic
- Check both ways for traffic BEFORE entering a crosswalk
When cycling:
- Bike single file
- Bike with traffic and obey traffic laws
- Wear a helmet
When driving:
- Slow down/leave space between cars
- Stop at crosswalks & for school buses
- Alternate turns at difficult intersections
- Avoid residential shortcuts
- Carpool and plan trips for efficiency
Be Informed
- Educate your family on safe pedestrian behavior
- Talk to friends and neighbors about what you learned
- Learn more about Massachusetts initiatives
- Complete Streets
- Vision Zero
- WalkBoston
- Safe Routes to School
Initiate Interim Solutions
- Notify DPW, Police and other officials if roads, sidewalks, street-lights or other safety measures need repair or improvement.
- Report traffic violations to the Po-lice.
- Request police assistance(monitoring, mobile radar display, traffic barrels, other temporary improvements) in problem areas.
- Raise ideas for improvements via email, phone, forums, and meetings.
Follow Current Initiatives
- Attend public workshop on Hayden Rowe Corridor Study on
February 15th, HHS
Auditorium, 7PM - Vote on sidewalk and other traffic & pedestrian safety items at Annual Town Meeting, Monday, May 1st
- Watch for announcements on Downtown Corridor public forums
- Follow eHop on social media (@eHop01748) for updates
Track New Development
- New elementary school
- Hopkinton Mews on Lumber Street
- Possible 34-lot subdivision between Chamberlain and Whalen Streets
- Hopkinton Swim & Tennis Club
- Possible Saddle Hill Road subdivision
- Maspenock Woods
Want More Information? Read On!
Federal Highway Administration
- 3-Minute Videos (targeted by age group): http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/pedsaferjourney/
Safe Routes to School
- Pedestrians & Cyclists: http://guide.saferoutesinfo.org/education/key_messages_for_children.cfm
- Parents: http://guide.saferoutesinfo.org/education/key_messages_for_parents.cfm
- Drivers Near School: http://guide.saferoutesinfo.org/education/key_messages_for_drivers_near_the_school.cfm
- Neighbors of School: http://guide.saferoutesinfo.org/education/key_messages_for_neighbors.cfm
Federal Highway Administration
- Alliance for Biking and Walking 2016 Benchmark Study: http://www.bikewalkalliance.org/storage/documents/reports/2016benchmarkingreport_web.pdf
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/
- Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan : https://www.massdot.state.ma.us/Portals/17/docs/pedplan/PedPlanD1_Acc.pdf
Metrowest Moves (Framingham, Westborough, Northborough, Hudson)
- Metrowest Moves Website: http://metrowestmoves.org/
- Winter 2016 Newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/metrowest-moves-newsletter
Complete Streets
- National Complete Streets Program: Smart Growth America: https://smartgrowthamerica.org/program/national-complete-streets-coalition/
- What Mass is Doing: https://smartgrowthamerica.org/how-massachusetts-is-encouraging-communities-to-take-action-on-complete-streets/
- MassDOT Funding Program: http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/highway/DoingBusinessWithUs/LocalAidPrograms/CompleteStreets.aspx
- Mass: Interactive Map of Participating Towns: https://masscompletestreets.com/Map/
- Framingham’s Complete Streets Policy: http://www.framinghamma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/18411
Vision Zero
- Sweden’s Vision Zero Initiative Program Site: http://www.visionzeroinitiative.com/
- Mass Vision Zero Coalition: http://www.visionzerocoalition.org/
- Boston Website: http://www.visionzeroboston.org/
- NPR News Article on Boston Vision Zero Status, December 2016: http://www.wbur.org/news/2016/12/07/vision-zero-report
Printable Handout eHop Spotlight on Traffic Pedestrian Safety (PDF)