Parks and Recreation Commission – Did you Know?

The Parks & Recreation Commission is an elected group of five individuals. The Commission directs and oversees policies and operations regarding parks and open spaces under their custody as well as recreation programs in town. They also oversee the Parks and Recreation office, consisting of three paid staff members: one director and two program coordinators.
The Hopkinton Parks and Recreation Commission‘s mission is to provide a sustainable parks and recreational program that enhances the quality of life for the Hopkinton community. The Parks and Recreation Commission’s vision is to be the community leader in providing and promoting high quality recreational experiences and park facilities that enhance the lifestyle for residents and visitors of the community.
The commission consists of five seats for a three-year term each. The Commission has a chair and a vice chair. Each member has an equal vote within the commission. Commissioners also serve as liaisons to other committees and boards in town. Examples of this are: Marathon Committee, Community Preservation, Upper Charles Trail Committee, etc. The Commission meets twice a month to discuss items on a predetermined agenda. Commission members will discuss and potentially vote on items that require a vote. The meetings are open to the public and subject to Open Meeting Law.
To run for Parks and Recreation Commission a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses; or a combination of both. Parks and Recreation Commission is currently an unpaid volunteer position, but compensation for any elected official could be voted on at any future town meeting.