Coming Up on Town Meeting Day 2

Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting Day 2
Tuesday, May 2 at 7:00-11:00pm
Middle School Auditorium
As usual eHop will be covering Town Meeting live on social media to let you know the results of each vote as it happens. Follow us @eHop01748 and look for the hashtag #HopTM17.
Useful Documents:
- Sign Bylaw – The proposed changes were requested the Design Review Board. It has reviewed signs on second floors of buildings that from a design perspective do not contribute positively to the appearance of the Town’s commercial areas. It is the intent that prohibiting signs all the way up the walls of buildings will impose a design aesthetic that is consistent with how we want our commercial districts to look.
- Public Consumption of Tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana / cannabis)
- Minutes of Public Bodies
- Departmental Revolving Funds – This is a housekeeping article to establish existing revolving funds by incorporating them into the Town Bylaws. There are no new revolving funds being created in this article. This type of article would only be needed on future warrants if a revolving fund were added or removed by the Town.
- Posting of Warrant
- Town Meeting Quorum – Citizen’s Petition
- Alcohol Sales at Town Facilities
- Kennels
- Construction Waste or Debris Bylaw
- Discharges to Storm Drain System
- Driveway Standards
- Unregistered Motor Vehicles
- Gift of Land – Hehn’s Farm Way – This article will allow the Town to accept the gift of 4.9 acres of open space created in the Hehn’s Farm subdivision. The land connects open space that the Town already owns and the Center School property.
- Gift of Land – Box Mill Road – This article will allow the Town to accept the gift of 10.2 acres of land off Leonard St., where lots were recently created off an old paper street. The land is adjacent to the Middle School and the Upper Charles Trail.
- Street Acceptances
- Cider Mill Road from Ash Street to Dead End
- Cold Spring Brook Road from North Mill Street to Dead End
- Cranberry Lane from South Mill Street to Dead End
- Pinetree Lane from North Mill Street to Dead End
- Easement – 125 East Main Street
- Fruit Street Property – Lease to Youth Organization – Map for Articles 55 & 56
- Fruit Street Property – Lease to Animal Shelter – Map for Articles 55 & 56
- Early Voting – Citizen’s Petition
- PILOT Agreement – MA Solar Highway Phase 1B LLC
- PILOT Agreement – NRG DG Marathon LLC
- Set local speed limits – 25 MPH
- Set local speed limits – Designated Safety Zones
- Constables – to make the position of Constable an appointed, instead of elected, position to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
- Trustees of the School Trust Fund in the Town of Hopkinton