HPS School Council Openings for 2018-19

Now that the school year has come to a close, it is a great time to think about how you can support your child and make a difference in your child’s education throughout the next school year! Below are the School Council opportunities for the school year 2018-2019.
Duties include: working with the principal to adopt goals for the school, identify educational needs for the student body, review the school’s budget, and formulate a school improvement plan. Each school includes a parent and teacher from each grade level and a community representative who does not have a child at the school. The term is two years unless otherwise noted. The dates and times of the meetings are set by the principal.
If you’re interested in learning more about the School Council open positions or submitting your name as a candidate, please contact Lee Burns and/or submit a biography via email at schoolcouncil@hptaonline.com.
Marathon School
Parent Representative (Pre-School)
Parent Representative (Kindergarten)
Parent Representative (First Grade)
Community Representative
Elmwood School
Parent Representative (Grade 2)
Parent Representative (Grade 3)
Community Representative
Hopkins School
Parent Representative (Grade 4)
Hopkinton Middle School
Parent Representative (Grade 6)
Hopkinton High School
Parent Representative (Grade 9)