Meet our 2019 Marathon Runner – Chris Hart!

We are very excited to announce that Hopkinton’s own, Chris Hart, will be running the 2019 Boston Marathon for eHop! Thank you Chris, we can’t wait to cheer you on! To all who appreciate our news and forums, please consider making a donation. Thank you!
A Message from Chris
My family moved to Needham, MA in the mid 70’s and one of the first events I attended was the Boston Marathon. We watched from Wellesley Hills and I recall being blown away by the number of spectators and runners out there that day.
I caught a bunch of races in Wellesley over the years. After missing the race during college Jenny Hart and I moved to Newton and picked the tradition back up watching and cheering along Heartbreak Hill. And then 20 years ago we moved to Hopkinton. Each year I’ve either been at the start line or cheering runners through Kenmore Square after the 11am Red Sox game.
Patriots Day is without question one of my favorite days of the year and every year I think about how much I’d like to run the race. Usually there is also an inner voice that says something like, you shouldn’t really even consider it, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to pull that off.
The cycle I’ve been on for the past 7 or 8 years is: Patriots Day inspired jogging, run the Timlin 5k in June (another favorite day), get busy over the summer, be back at zero around labor day.
This past summer I cut BBQ events and cookbook writing and other extracurricular stuff out of my schedule and kept running. Around September I found myself running 8-10 miles on my long run days and feeling pretty good. This time the inner voice said something different, it said:
You could run Boston.
So its happening (!) but I need your help.
Will you help me raise funds for a charity I believe in as part of my Boston run?
I’m partnering with eHop, my local non-partisan organization that promotes participation in town government.
Sometimes in order to make a difference we need to put down our cell phones, turn off the cable news and talk to the people in our local community.
If you can help me raise $5,000 (a huge % of eHops annual budget) I will personally match that with an additional $1,000.
Love you all (even the Yankees fans)