Planning Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial):
- Discussion and vote about whether to keep Town Meeting Articles sponsored by the Planning Board on the Warrant for Annual Town Meeting or withdraw some or all of these articles. The Board took two votes:
- The first being to withdraw the Solar Overlay Article on the warrant, which failed with a vote of (7-1-0), resulting in the keeping of the article on the Warrant.
- The second vote was for the remaining articles as a slate which was voted (4-4-0),resulting in the slate of remaining articles also kept on the Warrant. Vote 4/4 Simple majority so the vote to keep articles on the warrant carried
Joint Planning Board / Select Board Meeting
- Joint Meeting with Select Board to appoint new member to the vacant seat on the Planning Board
- 1) Francis DeYoung 9 votes, appointed to the position
- 2) Kelly Karp 2 vote
- 3) Jared Pray 1 vote
- 4) Curtis Smithson 1 vote
Materials for this Meeting:
Related News Articles:
Read “Planning Board keeps all articles, including solar map, on warrant for Town Meeting” on the Hopkinton Independent’s website.