Growth Study Committee Final Report

Final Report & Presentation – April 2021
- Growth Study Committee Slide Presentation to The Planning Board
- Growth Study Committee Written Report to The Planning Board
Shared Resources & References – Public Google Folder
2nd Public Workshop – 1/9/2020
1st Public Workshop – 11/20/19
Hopkinton Growth Study Committee Mission, Aims & Deliverables
As discussed and voted on by the Planning Board on 5/29/19 & 6/10/19
Mission Statement:
Hopkinton is endowed with open space, natural resources, facilities and programs that promote a well-educated and healthy community. The mission of this project, utilizing public input, analytics, and objective experts, is to examine growth trends and development within the Town of Hopkinton and identify and recommend actions to ensure Hopkinton can continue to support its citizens throughout their lives to the highest of standards in education, public safety, health, and protection of natural resources.
Specifically, the project aims to:
- Proactively manage growth;
- Enable better planning for town services;
- Identify parcels or zones that may have a significant impact on future growth patterns within the Town create plans to ensure continued use that is in the best interest of Hopkinton; and
- Be proactive about maintaining the required level of affordable housing inventory in town.
Deliverables shall include:
- Summary of public input collected throughout the project;
- Financial impact assessment of growth (residential and commercial) over the past 10 years (by zoned area);
- Forecast model of growth and financial impact (forward looking) by zoned area over the next 10 years;
- Identification and prioritization of current parcels and/or zones with highest potential for growth/change. Recommend optimal land uses/practices for each and contingency plans if alternative uses are proposed; and
- Create POA (Plan of Action) that incorporates major stakeholders (other boards, town leadership, etc.) and includes cadence and deliverables for ongoing growth monitoring.