Weekly News Update-Town Meeting Edition: 04/28/2024

Weekly News Update-Town Meeting Edition: 04/28/2024

EHop’s Know Your Vote on APRIL 29TH Town Meeting 2024 – Reference Documents • MBTA Zoning by-law-Article 39 • Updated Candidates List for the 2024 Town Election and Finalized Ballot Questions • Upper Charles Trail Committee makes slow progress on revising its charge • Select Board candidates dig into town’s issues at Meet the Candidates forum • Planning Board continues Elmwood Farms III stormwater permit hearing after discussing water issues


eHop will hold its 12th Annual Know Your Vote forum on Monday, April 29 at 7:00-8:30 pm.  This will be an in-person forum at HCAM TV Studios (77 Main St, Lower Level). It will be broadcast live on HCAM-TV and YouTube. This is a unique opportunity to get the answers you need from town officials before Town Meeting.  This year, Town Meeting will vote on an FY2025 operating budget with a projected net tax impact of 2.35% as well as many other issues and projects including:

  • Zoning Change: MBTA Communities Zoning Bylaw & MBTA Communities Multi-Family Overlay District
  • Hopkins School Addition & Renovation
  • Adopt the Specialized Energy Code
  • Municipal Parking
  • Home Rule Petition – Senior Tax Exemptions, School Building Projects
  • Community Preservation: Restoration of the Historical Society Building
  • Zoning Change: 1 Colonial Ave., 81 Hayden Rowe, 83 Hayden Rowe (Citizens Petition)
  • General Bylaw Amendment – Membership Requirements for Certain Committees
  • General Bylaw Amendment – Non-Voter Participation at Town Meeting
  • Establish Government Study Committee (Citizens Petition)

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Town Meeting 2024 – Reference documents

Everything you need to prepare for Annual Town meeting 2024 that begins on May 6th, 7:00pm at Hopkinton Middle School auditorium.

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MBTA Communities Zoning bylaw – Article 39



This year there is one contested race, and there are eight ballot questions. eHop will publish more information as it becomes available. All candidates are encouraged to email eHop a candidate statement and headshot, which we will publish starting April 21 and after that on a rolling basis, please send to webmaster@ehop.org.

Monday, May 20, 2024 – Polls are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Hopkinton Middle School Brown Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St

Contested races are:

  • Select Board (3 years, vote for 2)
    • Peter Mimmo
    • Kyla McSweeney
    • Joseph Clark
    • Brian Herr

View article for full list of all candidates and ballot questions


Select Board candidates dig into town’s issues at Meet the Candidates forum

The four Select Board candidates for two open seats shared their views on some of the major concerns facing Hopkinton at Tuesday night’s Meet the Candidates forum for the May 20 election. Topics ranged from bringing increased civility and recognition of residents’ input at government meetings to fiscal belt-tightening.


Upper Charles Trail Committee makes slow progress on revising its charge

At the start of the meeting, chair Jane Moran asked the members to review the minutes from the past two meetings, noting that they would form the framework for the upcoming discussion.

Alternate member Jamie Wronka asked for revisions to the minutes for the April 3 meeting. She noted a reference to a Trails Committee document that called for the UCTC to become a subcommittee under the Trails Committee. Wronka pointed out that this was the previous line of thinking. But the Select Board decided that the UCTC should remain a separate but restructured committee. There was confusion about this point at the last meeting.

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Planning Board continues Elmwood Farms III stormwater permit hearing after discussing water issues

Residents have raised concerns about standing water near the project’s proposed driveway. In response, catch basins now are proposed there. Runoff from Marathon School, which abuts the property’s west side, also was addressed by fortifying the stormwater yard drain infrastructure.

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