Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Updated 08/06/24: The following Town boards & committees will have one or more anticipated vacancies. Please see the Town website at for information about the duties of specific boards and committees. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer application form. Never served on a Board or Committee before? Take a look at Hopkinton’s Board/Committee Orientation Handbook to get a better idea of what to expect.
Please note that all current board and committee members interested in reappointment MUST apply online via the link above. Appointments would be made at an upcoming meeting of the relevant appointing authority. For questions, please contact Elaine Lazarus or Vasudha Dutta at 508-497-9701
Appropriation Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 1
Committee Size: 5 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a week on Thursdays in the spring leading up to Town Meeting. The rest of the year is typically once a month.
Description: There shall be an Appropriation Committee of five registered voters of sound business experience or good judgment, who shall serve without pay and who shall consider any and all questions involving the expenditure of money, for the purpose of making reports or recommendations thereon to the Town. The Finance Director shall serve on the Appropriation Committee ex officio, as a sixth non-voting member.
Board of Registrars of Voters
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 1 (Republican)
Committee Size: 4 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically less than once a month (meets near election time)
Description: The Board of Registrars ensures that all elections conducted by the Town are fair and transparent. The chief duty of the Board of Registrars is to register voters. Registrars are obliged to sign the certification of signatures on petitions and nomination papers. Registrars are also instrumental in conducting recounts and holding hearings on election related challenges.
Capital Improvements Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 2
Committee Size: 5 members
Term Length: 5 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Committee shall ascertain annually what capital expenditures will be required by the Town during the subsequent ten fiscal years. In making its determinations, the Committee shall consult with such officers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and of the Town and its various boards and committees, as in its discretion it shall deem appropriate and beneficial. Department heads and chairpersons of all boards, commissions and committees of the town, whether elected or appointed, shall submit to the Committee, not later than the third Monday of November of each year, recommendations and statements for capital expenditures for the subsequent ten fiscal years. Recommendations for the subsequent five fiscal years will include operating cost estimates as deemed necessary by the Committee.
Cultural Council
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 3
Committee Size: 13 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The council’s purpose is to administer the distribution of funds provided by the State Lottery, for a variety of cultural purposes. The Council may also conduct other activities to promote and encourage the arts.
Design Review Board
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 7
Committee Size: 7 members (5 full members, 2 alternate members)
Term Length: 1 year
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on the 3rd Tuesday
Description: The Design Review Board shall review applications for site plan review submitted pursuant to Article XX. It shall evaluate such requests based on design criteria in this article. Its written findings shall be advisory to the Planning Board and shall be submitted to the Planning Board and the applicant along with any recommendations and conditions. Such findings shall contain explanation and rationale as appropriate.
Hopkinton Historic District Commission
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 2 (Resident of the District, Realtor)
Committee Size: 7 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on the second Thursday
Description: Historic Districts in Massachusetts have three major purposes, as stated in Ch. 40C of Massachusetts General Law: 1.) To preserve and protect the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places significant to the history of the Commonwealth and its cities and towns; 2.) To maintain and improve the settings of those buildings and places; 3.) To encourage new designs compatible with existing buildings in the district.
Marathon Fund Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 2
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Marathon Fund Committee was established in 1986 to make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding use of the annual gift to the Town by the Boston Athletic Association related to the Boston Marathon. After allocating moneys to various expenses the Town incurs related to public safety and logistics for the race, the remaining dollars are allocated by the Marathon Fund Committee for student-athlete scholarships for Hopkinton high school seniors, as well as to fund grants to various needy community groups in support of recreation, athletics, and community.
Personnel Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 1
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically less than once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Personnel Committee’s responsibilities are outlined in Town Bylaw Chapter 33. Specifically, the Personnel Committee shall work with the Town Manager and the Human Resources Director to provide guidance, feedback and advice on matters regarding Town employees.
Sustainable Green Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 4 (3 At-Large, 1 Youth Member)
Committee Size: 15 (14 At-Large, 1 Youth Member)
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: As determined by the members
Description: The mission of the Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee is to promote sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in the Town of Hopkinton. The Committee will assist town government, business and residents to implement sustainable policies and practices in the areas of energy, agriculture, conservation and commerce. The Committee will increase the public’s awareness of important environmental issues through education and outreach.
Upper Charles Trail Committee
Note: This committee is currently undergoing a review of its charge and composition as a result of the vote at Town Meeting 2023 Article 47 to abolish the committee.
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 4
Committee Size: 11
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically twice a month on Wednesday
Description: Educate the residents of the town and develop the Upper Charles Trail in Hopkinton, from the Milford Town line to the Ashland Town line, which shall include the Hopkinton Center Trail. The Committee’s responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to, planning, design, permitting, property rights acquisition and construction of the Trail and associated infrastructure.
Veterans Celebration Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 4
Committee Size: 8 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Tuesday
Description: This Committee was established to remember and honor our fallen Vets with an Annual Memorial Day Remembrance Celebration and to honor our local veterans with an annual Veteran’s Day dinner.
Youth Commission
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 2 (1 HS Representative, 1 MS Representative)
Committee Size: 7 voting members, 1 HS Student Representative, 1 MS Student Representative
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Hopkinton Youth Commission is charged with identifying the emerging and ongoing needs of Hopkinton’s youth and families. The Commission is responsible for creating community-wide opportunities that support long term well-being of all youth. Programs and activities supported by the Youth Commission shall promote an overall benefit to all youth and families. The Hopkinton Youth Commission should be creative, resourceful and seek collaboration with a range of partners to improve the wellbeing of all Hopkinton Youth.
Zoning Advisory Committee
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 5 full members (and up to 5 associate members)
Committee Size: 9 full members (and up to 5 associate members)
Term Length: 2 years
Meeting Schedule: Twice a month on Mondays
Description: Its purpose is to review and develop proposals for zoning bylaw and zoning map amendments, and make recommendations to the Planning Board.
Committees without Vacancies
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5 members
Term Length: 2 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The purpose of the Hopkinton Affordable Housing Trust is to provide for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Hopkinton for the benefit of low-and moderate-income households. See also Hopkinton Bylaws Chapter 5, Article VII.
Board of Appeals – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 9 (5 full members, 4 associate members)
Term Length: 5 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Description: The Board of Appeals has statutory powers under MGL c. 40A to hear and decide Appeals of decisions by the Municipal Inspector and other officials, to hear and decide applications for Special Permits and to hear and decide petitions for Variances.
Commission on Disability – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 7 (4 people with disabilities, 1 member of the immediate family of a person with a disability, 1 member shall be either an elected or appointed official of the Town)
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: TBD
Description: The purpose of the Commission is to coordinate or carry out programs in coordination with programs of the Massachusetts Office on Disability and advise the Select Board on the same to bring about full and equal participation in all aspects of life in the Town of Hopkinton for people with disabilities.
§ 5-31. Powers and duties.
A. Research, understand, evaluate, and advocate local issues, challenges and opportunities encountered by people with disabilities.
B. Coordinate the activities of other local groups organized to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
C. Review and make recommendations about policies, procedures, services and activities of departments and agencies of the Town as they affect people with disabilities.
D. Work in cooperation with the departments and agencies of the Town to bring about maximum participation of people with disabilities.
E. Initiate, monitor, and promote legislation at the city, state and federal level which advances the equal status of people with disabilities.
F. Encourage public awareness of disability issues.
G. Provide information, referrals, guidance and technical assistance to individuals, public agencies, businesses and organizations in all matters pertaining to disability.
H. Recruit and recommend prospective Commission members to the Town Manager.
I. File an annual report, which shall be printed in the Town’s annual report.
Community Preservation Committee – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 9 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Thursday (more frequently during budget season)
Description: In 2001, the citizens of Hopkinton voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act (M.G.L. Chapter 267 of the Acts of 2000) and thereby approved a 2% surcharge to the annual real property tax. Revenue from this surcharge is dedicated for the preservation of open space, historic sites, affordable housing and passive/active outdoor recreation. Under the provisions of the CPA, a Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was established to identify the Town’s needs, capabilities and resources with regard to community preservation. The CPC considers proposals made by groups and individuals to ensure they meet the criteria of the law, benefit the community, and are financially feasible. Applications for CPC funding are typically due in September, with a notice posted to the HopNotices board in August. The Committee then makes recommendations to Annual Town Meeting. The CPC may include in its recommendations a request to set aside for later spending funds for specific purposes that are consistent with community preservation, but for which sufficient revenues are not immediately available.
Conservation Commission – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 7 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically twice a month on a Tuesday
Description: The Commission was established to promote and protect Hopkinton’s natural resources, to protect watershed resources, to protect wetland resource areas, to provide permitting review for proposed projects within resource areas, and to coordinate with other town officials and boards on conservation issues that relate to its areas of responsibility. The Commission is the permitting authority specifically charged with the promotion and development of Hopkinton’s natural resources, and the protection of wetland resource areas. The primary activity of the Commission is the administration of the Wetlands Protection Act (MGL 131, §40) and the Hopkinton Wetlands Protection Bylaw. The Commission also engages in planning, helping to acquire and manage open space, and encouraging and monitoring Conservation and Agricultural Preservation Restrictions.
Council on Aging – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 9 members (7 full members, 2 associate members)
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on the first Wednesday
Description: The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Council on Aging for the purpose of coordinating or carrying out programs designed to meet the problems of the elderly in cooperation with programs of the Commission on Aging established under MGL c. 6, 73.
HCAM Board of Directors – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule:
Historical Commission – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 9 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Tuesday
Description: M.G.L. authorizes the establishment of an historical commission for the preservation, protection and development of the historical or archaeological assets of such city or town. Projects entrusted to the Commission include conducting research for places of historic or archaeological value, assisting cooperatively with others engaged in such research, and carrying out other initiatives for the purpose of protecting and preserving such places.
Lake Maspenock Weed Management & Control Advisory Group – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5
Term Length:
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Citizen Input Group shall make recommendations to the Director of Public Works regarding measures to facilitate effective public participation in the formulation of the Comprehensive Weed Management and Control plan (The Plan) at Lake Maspenock.
The Advisory Group may make recommendations regarding the following:
- Coordinating, consulting and providing methods and means for seeking public input, energizing public interest and support in the formulation of The Plan;
- Facilitating meetings and helping organize efforts towards ensuring effective public participation at the meetings and that public input is valued;
- Optimizing public buy-in to The Plan;
- Formulating methods and means of increasing public awareness about the benefits, risks and ecological impacts of The Plan.
Marathon Committee – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 12 citizens appointed, 9 members representing Town Departments
Term Length: 3 years at-large members, 1 year Town Department representatives,
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Wednesday
Description: The Hopkinton Marathon Committee was established in 1979 to work in collaboration with the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), to ensure the annual running of the Boston Marathon is an exciting safe event for all concerned. The committee’s mission is to guide and help coordinate all B.A.A. efforts within the town, while always protecting the interests of Hopkinton.
Open Space Preservation Commission – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 5 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically the first Thursday of each month
Description: The Open Space Preservation Commission was authorized by Town Meeting in 1998, and was approved by the State Legislature (becoming the first of its kind) in 1999. The commission members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The commission’s goal is to acquire and protect land from development, to help preserve the rural character of Hopkinton. The commission evaluates undeveloped land, ranking parcels according to several criteria: overall size, wildlife habitat, plant species, watershed protection, recreation potential and proximity to other protected land. The development potential also is evaluated, in order to assess the value of the land, as well as the costs of town services if it is developed.
Permanent Building Committee – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: This committee’s primary responsibility is to provide an efficient, professional mechanism for overseeing the design, construction, reconstruction, alteration or enlargement of buildings or other facilities owned by the Town or undertaken on land-owned, leased or operated by the Town. Committee Membership includes an architect, engineer, an individual who is primarily engaged in the construction business, and an individual with legal, accounting or finance experience.
Tax Relief Committee – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 5
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically less than once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Tax Relief Committee was organized to provide assistance to residents of Hopkinton who need assistance in keeping up with the ever increasing property taxes that accompany the growth of our desirable town. Through an application process administered by the Committee members, eligible applicants are awarded up to a maximum of $500.00 per calendar year in support of their property tax bills. The goal of the Committee is to keep Hopkinton residents in their homes when fixed incomes or disabilities prevent them affording the town in which they own homes and live.
Trail Coordination and Management Committee – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 7 members (4 at-large, 3 recommended by other committees)
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The TCMC will serve as a reference point for trails groups and the public, foster a user-friendly and open/transparent process, establish branding, promotion and public education, foster community engagement, and achieve sustainability. The TCMC will support and facilitate a coordinated approach to trail planning and management, comply with town plans, rules and regulations, and ensure the implementation of Town Meeting votes, adopted plans, regulations, regulatory decisions and board/committee actions.
Woodville Historic District Commission – ✅ Filled
Current/Upcoming Vacancies: 0
Committee Size: 7 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Monday
Description: The Woodville Historic District was created by Town Meeting in May of 2005 to preserve and protect the unique heritage of the Village of Woodville.