Ballot Question Committee for the New School is Formed

Ballot Question Committee for the New School is Formed

ā€œThe Ballot Question Committee for Hopkintonā€™s New Elementary School ” submitted papers to the Hopkinton Town Clerk on December 23, 2010 to form a Ballot Question Committee so that they can support the School Committee’s efforts, currently underway, to build a new elementary school on Fruit Street.

According to Cindy Bernardo, Chairman of The Ballot Question Committee for Hopkintonā€™s New Elementary School, the Committee will organize informational neighborhood coffees and events, and promote the School Committeeā€™s Informational Forums so that the community has an opportunity to learn: why this building project is important, why moving to neighborhood schools would provide a beneficial learning environment for our children, and why it is financially advantageous to build a new school now. The Ballot Question Committee for Hopkintonā€™s New Elementary School would like to encourage all residents to attend either a forum, neighborhood coffee, or School Committee office hours over the next three months.

The School Committee will be holding its first community forum on Wednesday, January 12, at 7:00 pm at Center School (Snow Date January 18). Presentations by the School Committee and a tour of Center School will be held.

A calendar of events, all open to the public is available at the Committeeā€™s website Periodic updates will be posted. Educate Hopkinton will continue to inform its readers about a variety of school and town budget issues, including the new school, but the Ballot Question Committee is specifically focused on the new school and will be raising funds to cover the costs of photocopies, mailers and ads. Educate Hopkinton does not raise funds and has a broader focus. If you would like to receive more detailed email updates about the new school or if you would like to help with this effort, please sign up at their website or contact them directly at:

Building for Hopkinton Email Sign-Up

Cindy Bernardo
Esther Driscoll
Amy Ritterbusch