Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forum 10/18

Have an idea to improve zoning? As part of the countdown to Town Meeting 2018, this is your chance to give input on potential changes to Hopkinton’s zoning bylaws. The Planning Board received a record number of applications to be on the Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC) this year and in September it appointed 20 residents to serve on ZAC. Examples of previous zoning bylaw changes have included:
- Dog Day Care Facility & Animal Shelter regulations
- Addition of a Hotel overlay district
- Sign bylaw changes
- Repeal of senior housing bylaw
The Zoning Advisory Committee will hold a public forum on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Great Room of the Hopkinton Senior Center, 28 Mayhew Street, at which time it would like to hear ideas and proposals for desired changes to the Zoning Bylaw and/or the Zoning Map. Zoning bylaws generally regulate the use of land, buildings and structures. This is an opportunity to propose changes to the land uses permitted in specific areas in Hopkinton, the manner in which certain uses are permitted, dimensional requirements, or other ideas with respect to land use regulation. The Committee invites residents, businesses, Town board/committee and organization representatives to the forum to present ideas and suggestions. Proposals may also be submitted in writing. The Committee requests that if possible, a written summary of the idea or proposal be emailed to Jennifer Burke at jburke@hopkintonma.gov or mailed to the Land Use Department at Town Hall prior to October 16, whether or not a representative will be present at the forum. Please contact Jennifer Burke if you have any questions or need additional information.