eHop Updates

Find your Hopkinton neighbors with NextDoor

Find your Hopkinton neighbors with NextDoor

Did you know that Hopkinton has several NextDoor private social networks? Officer Stephen Buckley, from the Hopkinton Police Department often shares updates & tips. Click here to join.  Hopkinton neighborhoods include: Legacy Farms (107 members) Forestside (72 members) Lake Maspenock (52 members) South Whitehall (15 

Hayden Rowe Corridor Traffic Calming Workshop

Hayden Rowe Corridor Traffic Calming Workshop

The Town of Hopkinton will conduct a public workshop on February 15, 2017 at the Hopkinton High School auditorium, 90 Hayden Rowe, at 7:00 pm, to discuss the traffic calming measures currently being evaluated in the Hayden Rowe corridor between Grove Street and Chestnut Street. 

Q & A from the eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Q & A from the eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Q: Chamberlain Road resident: If a neighborhood is going to be drastically changed by a development and the residents are really concerned but the Planning Board says they are constrained by bylaws and can’t do anything about it legally, do you have any advice for 

Town Meeting Warrant Open – Citizen’s Petitions due by 3/1

Town Meeting Warrant Open – Citizen’s Petitions due by 3/1

Have an idea or want to change something, but don’t know how to go about it? See the Guide for Citizen Petitioners (PDF) or view our slide show on Google Drive. The 2017 Annual Town Meeting will commence on Monday, May 1, 2017. Please be advised 

Town Election Candidates Needed

Town Election Candidates Needed

Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin? To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by Monday, March 27; or a person may qualify by being the 

Candidate Endorsement Policy

Candidate Endorsement Policy

As we head into election season, eHop would like to remind our readers of our candidate endorsement policy: The primary mission of eHop is community education on funding and policy issues pertaining to the Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts including the Hopkinton Public Schools. Hence, eHop will 

Overview of the eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Overview of the eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Thank you to Director of Public Works, John Westerling, Chief of Police, Edward Lee and Director of Land Use & Town Operations, Elaine Lazarus for being panelists at the eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety on 2/6, and also a shout out to Kelly Grill 

What you can do now about Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

What you can do now about Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

Be Mindful About Safety & Return to the Basics Everyone: Be alert and make eye contact Eliminate distractions when in transit (earbuds, phones, food…) When on foot: Run/walk single file Walk/run against traffic Check both ways for traffic BEFORE entering a crosswalk When cycling: Bike 

eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

eHop Spotlight on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety

In the wake of several serious pedestrian accidents and growing concern about traffic, eHop will hold a public forum titled eHop’s Spotlight on Traffic and Pedestrian Safety on Monday, February 6,  7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, 98 Hayden Rowe 

Special Town Meeting Results Day 2 (unofficial)

Special Town Meeting Results Day 2 (unofficial)

Article 1: Periodic Charter Review: Report and Recommendations – PASSED as amended below Amendment: June Harris of the Board of Library Trustees made a motion to amend Section 4-5c “Library Director – The Town Manager shall annually set goals for the Library Director with input from the 

Special Town Meeting Results Day 1 (unofficial)

Special Town Meeting Results Day 1 (unofficial)

Motion to defer action on article 2 (School Building Project) until 7:00 PM on day 2, Tuesday, January 31 – PASSED 107 – 42 Article 1: Periodic Charter Review: Report and Recommendations – DEFERRED Amendment: June Harris of the Board of Library Trustees made a motion to amend 

Special Town Meeting Begins Monday at 7:00pm

Special Town Meeting Begins Monday at 7:00pm

Hopkinton Special Town Meeting Day 1 Monday, January 30 at 7:00-11:00pm Middle School Auditorium There are 4 articles to vote on the warrant. Town meeting will repeat the following evenings 7:00-11:00pm until all the articles are voted. We expect Special Town Meeting to last at least 2