Bus Fee Legislation

Bus Fee Legislation – House Bill 3658
Under state law schools must provide free busing to students in grades K-6 living more than two miles away. All others can be charged. Hopkinton’s State Representative, Carolyn Dykema, is proposing House Bill 3658, which would allow school committees to charge all students other than those in free or reduced lunch programs or those covered by other laws. The legislation would eliminate the two mile clause in the current legislation, allowing the school district to charge a bus fee to anyone, equally, rather than two targeted groups as it currently is. You can read more online at http://www.wickedlocal.com/hopedale/homepage/x1579119122/Should-all-students-be-charged-bus-fees. Please take a minute to write Representative Dykema to let her know whether or not you support this bill or if you have any questions at carolyn.dykema@state.ma.us or 617-722-2210.
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