Library Construction Grant and December Special Town Meeting Warrant

Here are the latest updates from Educate Hopkinton:
Library Construction Grant
The Hopkinton Library may be eligible for a state library construction grant for a larger and more accessible facility. If the Town receives a grant award, the state would pay for up to 50% of the costs of either refurbishing or building a new library. The town would pay for 25% of the costs, with the remainder would come from private donations. Read more at:
Special Town Meeting
Monday, December 14 @ Middle School Auditorium
The warrant contains seven articles:
- Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Adjustments – Town Manager
- Phase VI Sewer Project – Department of Public Works
- Senior Center Parking Expansion – Council on Aging
- Amend Industrial B District and Definitions– Planning Board
- Amend Subdivision Phasing Bylaw– Planning Board
- Amend Scenic Roads General Bylaw – Planning Board
- Amend Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Bylaw – Planning Board
Click on the link to read the full warrant:
School Committee
The agenda for the November 19 School Committee Meeting is now posted. Agenda items include a report from the Elementary Building Committee, the Wellness Policy and the FY11 Budget. Read more: