Save the Dates – Upcoming Public Forums

HPTA State of the Schools Forum
Wednesday, April 6 at 8:00pm
HCAM Studios
The HPTA invites residents to attend this annual forum with the Superintendent of Schools and School Committee Chair at HCAM Studios or watch on TV. If you have any questions or concerns you want Dr.Phelan or Ms.Robak to answer live that night you can call 508-435-7887 during the show or email them to in advance or during the show.
Board of Selectmen Public Forum
Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 pm
Senior Center
The Board of Selectmen in conjunction with the School Committee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at the Hopkinton Senior Center’s main meeting room at 7PM. The Boards will provide the community a forum to voice opinions and share ideas on how to best move forward with the Center School. Comments or suggestions can be submitted in advance to If you have any questions, please call the Selectmen’s Office at 508-497-9700.