Town Meeting Consent Agenda Passes

Consent Agenda – A Clear Majority votes to take NO ACTION on the following articles:
ARTICLE 2: FY 2011 Supplemental Appropriations. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 19: West Main Street Culvert and Basin Repair. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 27: Study of the Town’s Wells. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 30: Storm Water Improvements: EPA Phase II. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 50: Amend Zoning Map: Hayward St. and Old Town Rd. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 54: Accept M.G.L. c.32B, §18: Medicare for Retirees. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 55: Accept M.G.L. c.32B, §19: Join the GIC. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 56: Replace Center School With K-1 School. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 57: Build New Middle School, Repurpose Old Middle School. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 58: Replace Center and Elmwood Schools With K-3 School. NO ACTION Clear Majority