Town Meeting Results Continued – Articles #34-42 and Article 7 Reconsidered

ARTICLE 34: Fire Department Tender Truck. On 5/2/11 a motion for NO ACTION FAILED 83-57 after a standing count. On 5/3/11 a motion was made by the Fire Chief for $350,000 to be borrowed. An amendment to make this a debt exclusion PASSED Clear Majority. The Fire Chief’s Motion then PASSED after a standing count of 112 For, 52 Against.
ARTICLE 7 RECONSIDERED: FY 2012 Operating Budget New Amount $29,811,188.97 (2 1/2% increase + New Growth) – Amendment by Joe Regan added $7,000 to the budget for a tree warden – Amendment passed on 5/2/11 after a standing count. Article PASSED Unanimous on 5/2/11. On 5/3/11 an additional $125,000 is now added to include insurance proceeds from collapsed DPW Barn, to be used for a temporary DPW structure. An amendment by Ken Weismantel PASSED Clear Majority. Article then PASSED Clear Majority.
ARTICLE 35: ADA Upgrades $138,000. PASSED Clear 2/3rds Majority.
ARTICLE 36: Middle School Wiring Upgrade $95,000. PASSED Unanimous.
ARTICLE 37: Middle School Auditorium Upgrade $47,000. PASSED Clear Majority
ARTICLE 38: Community Preservation Recommendations $862,500 Historical Society Records Preservation, Replace Library Access Ramp, Historic Preservation of Town Records, Kiosk for Cameron Woods, Center Trail Improvements, CAA Terry Farm Barn Upgrades. PASSED Clear Majority
ARTICLE 39: Appropriation Committee Membership By-Law Change. PASSED Unanimous
ARTICLE 40: Printing of Town Report Without ATM Warrant. PASSED Clear Majority
ARTICLE 41: Tobacco Use by Minors. PASSED Clear Majority
ARTICLE 42: Registered Sex Offender Restrictions. PASSED Clear Majority