Town Meeting Results – End of Day 1 – Articles #28-34

ARTICLE 28: DPW Facility Design $250,000 to be borrowed ($125,000 insurance money taken out of the article via amendment to be used for a temporary structure). PASSED by 2/3rds Majority after a standing count
ARTICLE 29: Traffic Study: West Main / School Street Intersection. An amendment offered by Errol Dickey (13 School St.) for $30,000 to be funded from free cash was passed. PASSED Unanimous
– Motion to Reconsider Article 7 Tomorrow Night to include $125,000 from insurance for a temporary DPW barn. Motion to Reconsider PASSED by a Clear 2/3rds Majority –
ARTICLE 30: Storm Water Improvements: EPA Phase II. NO ACTION Clear Majority
ARTICLE 31: Refurbish Fire Engine 1 $45,000. PASSED Unanimous
ARTICLE 32: Fire Department Command and Control Vehicle $45,000. PASSED Clear 2/3rds Majority
ARTICLE 33: Fire Department Ambulance $230,000. PASSED Unanimous
ARTICLE 34: Fire Department Tender Truck. A motion for NO ACTION FAILED 83-57 after a standing count. A new motion in favor of the article will be entertained tomorrow evening.