Educate Hopkinton Fall Survey Results

What budget topics are Hopkinton residents most interested in this year? Although our survey is not scientific, it does give the Educate Hopkinton board some direction, and at least a rough idea of what topics are of most interest to our readers. If you would still like to take the survey it will remain open through next Tuesday, October 24:
1) What Hopkinton capital projects are you most interested in this year? (Check all that apply)
Center School Capital Project 41%
Library Expansion Project 24%
Hopkinton Center for the Arts 14%
New DPW Facility 11%
Hockey Rink Building Project 7%
Write-In Responses: Elmwood School and Special Education Reform
2) What Hopkinton land development projects / issues are you most interested in this year? (Check all that apply)
Milford Casino 32%
Legacy Farms/Former Weston Nurseries Property 29%
Hopkinton Square/Price Chopper 25%
Sports Fields / Active Recreation 8%
Community Preservation Act Funds 4%
3) What Hopkinton annual budget topics / issues are you most interested in this year? (Check all that apply)
Elmwood School Maintenance/Repairs 18%
Class Sizes 17%
Middle School Maintenance/Repairs 15%
Expansion of Foreign Language Program 14%
Town Operating Budget – 2 ½%
Increase 13%
Energy Efficiency Savings / Green Issues 8%
Fees to Residents (Trash, Bus, etc.) 7%
School/Town Union Contract Negotiations 4%
Health Care Costs for Municipal Employees 2%
Write-In Responses: Center School Maintenance/Repairs, Downtown Revitalization, Special Education Reform
If you would like to weigh-in the survey will remain open through next Tuesday, October 24:
Click Here to Begin the Survey