Make-up of Sixth Snow Day – Early Dismissal on Good Friday

Make-up of Sixth Snow Day – Early Dismissal on Good Friday

At their March 21 meeting, the School Committee voted to amend this year’s school calendar to include an Early Dismissal Day on Friday, March 29 (Good Friday). Five snow/hurricane cancellation days are built into the school calendar, but Hopkinton has had six cancellation days this 

School Committee Update and School Council Openings

School Committee Update and School Council Openings

After the May Town Election, the School Committee reorganized as they do every year. Nancy Burdick was elected Chair and Scott Aghababian was elected Vice Chair. Congratulations to them both from the Educate Hopkinton board! Contact info is below. Elmwood School has a new principal 

Town Meeting Begins Tomorrow at 7:00pm

Town Meeting Begins Tomorrow at 7:00pm

Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting Day 1Monday, May 7 at 7:00-11:00pmHopkinton Middle School AuditoriumThere are 58 articles to vote on in the warrant this year. Town meeting will repeat the following evenings 7:00-11:00pm until all the articles are voted. We expect Town Meeting to last 2-3 evenings. A 

2012-13 School Budget Letter from the School Committee

2012-13 School Budget Letter from the School Committee

Developing the Proposed FY 13 Budget was once again challenging due to the difficult economic environment. For FY13, we began the budget process with $423,000 less available offsets, compared with FY12. The School Committee, administration, and staff have worked hard to develop a responsible budget 

Selectmen to Vote on Town Budget Wednesday

Selectmen to Vote on Town Budget Wednesday

The Board of Selectmen will be meeting on Wednesday, March 14 at 6:00pm at Town Hall to discuss and vote on the proposed 2012-13 budget. The Town Manager presented his budget at their last meeting. According to HCAM News the proposed “total operating budget for 

Town Budget and Capital Project Updates

Town Budget and Capital Project Updates

According to the Town Charter, the Town Manager must submit the proposed budget to the Selectmen by March 1 of every year. The next Selectmen’s meeting is Tuesday, February 28 and, although the agenda is not yet posted, we expect that the budget presentation will 

School Budget Update

School Budget Update

A huge “Thank You” to everyone who came to the School Committee Public Hearing and/or wrote to the School Committee with your thoughts on the 2012-13 budget. Your voices truly do make a difference! A few days after the public hearing the School Committee sent 

Educate Hopkinton Event This Sunday

Educate Hopkinton Event This Sunday

Let’s Talk About School and Town Budgets, Center School, Legacy Farms and MoreSunday, February 12 @ 7:00 p.m.Vineyard Church of Hopkinton, 84 South Street Have you been following the school and town budget process? Do you know what might get cut and what might get 

School Choice Update

School Choice Update

At its January 26 public hearing on School Choice, the School Committee voted not to accept students into Hopkinton schools via the Massachusetts School Choice program. Every year they must decide by June 1 if Hopkinton will accept school choice students the following year. We 

Hockey Rink, Casino, School Choice and School Budget Public Hearings

Hockey Rink, Casino, School Choice and School Budget Public Hearings

Parks and Recreation Hearing on Legacy Farms Land / Hockey RinkMon. January 23 @ 7:30-8:30pmHopkinton Town Hall, Room 215Read previous EH blogs on this topic. Regional Forum on Casino LegislationThurs. January 26 @ 7:30pmAdams Middle School Auditorium, 323 Woodland St, HollistonPlease join members of your 

REMINDER – Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

REMINDER – Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

Click to view a pdf file of the Superinendent’s Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget Presentation. Or on HCAM-TV you can watch a brief 7 minute summary of the budget presentation or watch the whole meeting. Follow this link: Please note that school budget discussions are 

Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

Superintendent Landman presented his preliminary 2012-13 (FY13) school budget at the December 20 School Committee meeting. Some highlights are included below. Please note that nothing is final at this point, this is just the beginning of a process. The School Committee will provide feedback to