Selectmen to Vote on Town Budget Wednesday

The Board of Selectmen will be meeting on Wednesday, March 14 at 6:00pm at Town Hall to discuss and vote on the proposed 2012-13 budget. The Town Manager presented his budget at their last meeting. According to HCAM News the proposed “total operating budget for FY2013 is $64,094,931 which represents an approximate two percent (2%) increase in the operating budget over Fiscal Year 2012. Click here to view the FY13 Town Budget Presentation Powerpoint and click here for the FY13 Budget Spreadsheet to be presented at the meeting on Wednesday. After the Selectmen vote on the budget Wednesday, it will go to the Appropriations Committee who will hold a public hearing (date TBA).
As always, please feel free to contact the Town Manager or the Selectmen with your comments on the Town Budget.
Articles for further reading:
Town Manager Presents Recommended Budget
by Michelle Murdock, HCAM News Director
Hopkinton debates spending plans
By Michael Morton, Hopkinton Crier
Recommended Town Budget Increases Taxes 1.6 Percent
By Sean O’Donnell, Hopkinton Patch
Hopkinton traffic light could cost half a million dollars
By Michael Morton, Hopkinton Crier
School Street Intersection Plan Estimated to Cost $530,000
By Sean O’Donnell, Hopkinton Patch