School Committee Update and School Council Openings

After the May Town Election, the School Committee reorganized as they do every year. Nancy Burdick was elected Chair and Scott Aghababian was elected Vice Chair. Congratulations to them both from the Educate Hopkinton board! Contact info is below. Elmwood School has a new principal this year, David Ljungberg, who was the formerly the Assistant Principal for both Elmwood and Hopkins Schools. As Mr Ljungberg becomes principal, Elmwood teacher, Tim Kearnan, will take Mr Ljungberg’s position as Assistant Principal. The School Committee typically meets every other Thursday during the school year at 7:30pm in the Middle School Library and meetings are usually televised on HCAM-TV. Comments from the public are welcomed at the beginning of each regular meeting. During the summer the School Committee usually has non-televised working sessions in the Administration Building. The public may still attend, but working sessions are not televised and there is no public comment period.
School Council: There are many openings for volunteers to be on the School Council at each of our schools. School Councils were established by the Education Reform Act of 1993 to increase collaboration among school and community stakeholders and to strengthen teaching and learning for students. Parent representatives to the Council meet regularly with the principal, selected teachers, and a community member to formulate a plan for improving our schools. A School Council member is a two-year positions. This is a once-a-month volunteer commitment that can give you valuable input and insight into our schools. For more information or to apply to be on a School Council contact HPTA School Council Coordinator, Lee Burns at Candidate biographies are due at the end of August and elections (if needed) will be held at the Back-to-School Nights in September.
New School Contact Info:
Email the whole School Committee at once:
Nancy Burdick, Chair, School Committee,
Scott Aghababian, Vice Chair, School Committee,
Rebecca Robak, School Committee,
Jean Bertschmann, School Committee,
Jonathan Graziano, School Committee,
Mary Ann DeMello, Acting Superintendent,