This Thursday: First Look at Superintendent’s Budget for 2013-14

Although holiday season is in full swing, it is also time for Hopkinton residents to get a first look at next year’s school operating budget. Since early fall, school administrators have been working on the budget and meeting with principals and department heads to understand their needs. They have also been working with the Town Manager to understand the bigger picture of the town budget including the Board of Selectmen’s 2013-14 (FY14) Budget Message and the Town Finance Director’s FY14 Financial Model.
Selectmen’s FY14 Budget Message
Town Financial Model FY14
At this Thursday’s regularly scheduled School Committee Meeting (December 20 at 7:30pm in the Middle School Library), the Superintendent will present his preliminary 2013-14 budget. This is usually a very informative presentation and is your chance to see what might get cut and what might get added to the budget. Nothing will be final at this point. This is just the preliminary presentation and it will likely go through many changes before we vote on it at Town Meeting in May. If you are unable to attend during this busy holiday season, feel free to watch at home on HCAM-TV (Comcast 8/Verizon 30) or record on your DVR. Throughout the month of January there will be many more budget discussions at the School Committee meetings and working sessions. Then on January 24 there will be a public hearing on the budget, where you can come in person and voice your opinion on the budget. Stay tuned for more information in the next eHop blog.
FY14 School Budget Calendar with deadlines and meeting dates
As 2012 draws to a close, eHop would like to thank all of the Hopkinton Public Schools teachers, staff and administrators who work with our students each day. Your commitment to the children of Hopkinton is greatly appreciated.