Vote Today 7:00am-8:00pm Elmwood School Roof

Special Town Meeting was held last Monday, November 26. All three articles on the warrant passed, including the Elmwood School roof, which passed unanimously. Approximately 115 registered voters participated, which represents only 1.1% of Hopkinton’s registered voters. Today is the Special Town Election ballot vote on the Elmwood School roof. In order for the roof project to go forward this summer, the vote must pass at BOTH Town Meeting AND Town Election. You can vote anytime during regular polling hours.
Special Town Election (Ballot Vote)
Monday, December 3 – Polls open 7:00am-8:00pm
Middle School Brown Gym
- Question #1 – Elmwood Roof Replacement – $1,100,000 Prop 2 1/2 Debt Exclusion
For more info:
- Elmwood Roof Information including tax impact (approx. $26.46 per year for the average single family home for 10 years), details about leaks and other problems.
- Elmwood Roof Estimates from a contractor and an architect.
- Online Q&A about the Elmwood Roof – Ask the Superintendent a question.