Casino Update

At the June 17 Milford Board of Selectmen’s meeting, Casino-Free Milford Co-Chairmen John Seaver and Steve Trettel presented a rebuttal document to the Selectmen that evaluates the information presented by Foxwoods executives on June 3rd regarding their proposal to build a destination resort casino here in Milford. The rebuttal identifies misleading facts, inconsistencies, and omissions in the Foxwoods casino project presentation, as well as recommendations to the Board regarding how to proceed in conducting the impact studies and negotiating the host community agreement, if the process should reach that point. To read the rebuttal, click here.
- Casi-No! yard signs are available for $6 at Fiske’s General Store, 776 Washington St, Holliston MA 01746. Open Mon-Fri: 9a-7p, Sat: 8a-6p, Sun: 9a-6p.
- Casino-Free Milford website
- The MetroWest Anti-Casino Coalition, headed by Brian Herr, is seeking bids for attorneys to help it fend off a proposal to build a casino in Milford. Read more from Laura Krantz/Daily News staff: