Building Committee Tours Elmwood and Center School Land

At its August 1 public meeting, Hopkinton’s Elementary School Building Committee (ESBC) conducted site walks of both Elmwood School and Center School including the abutting Hehn family property at 25 Ash Street. New Superintendent Cathy MacLeod attended the site walk as well as new Center School Principal Lauren Dubeau. A town meeting vote would be required for the town to purchase the Hehn property on Ash Street. The Board of Selectmen were scheduled “to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property on Ash Street” in their private executive session on August 13 and are scheduled to discuss it again in their August 27 executive session. In April Hopkinton submitted a new Statement of Interest for Center School to the Massachusetts School Building Administration (MSBA). The town is awaiting a response from the MSBA to see if we are invited into the Eligibility Period. In May Hopkinton voted at Town Meeting to appropriate $600,000 to fund a new Feasibility Study for Center School.
Video highlights of the ESBC tour are available on the HCAM website:
Photos and an article about the ESBC tour are available on the Hopkinton Crier website: