Executive Session Minutes Released

At the November 25 School Committee meeting, Chair Nancy Burdick reported that the School Committee had voted at that evening’s Executive Session to release several Executive Session meeting minutes from the 2011-12 school year. Click here to read a PDF of the minutes. (Please note that the minutes are not presented in chronological order, but eHop has added bookmarks for easier navigation. Bookmarks can be seen when the document is opened in Firefox or Safari.)
Items of note:
3/28/12: The School Committee discussed a proposal from Superintendent Landman to re-negotiate his evaluation procedure. They decided not to agree to this proposal, and proceed as planned with the Superintendent’s evaluation on April 26 or May 3.
4/26/12: Dr. Landman and his attorney noted that since the parties were not able to renegotiate the terms of his evaluation process, they were prepared to submit a proposal for his separation of employment.
5/3/12: The Committee reviewed and discussed proposed language for Dr. Landman’s resignation letter; a Joint statement to be issued by the Committee and Dr. Landman; language for a reference letter to be prepared by a member of the school committee; the proposed settlement agreement between the HPS School Committee and Dr. Jonathan Landman. According to advice of the Committee’s counsel, these draft documents were part of an ongoing settlement discussion with counsel representing Dr. Landman and, as such, are not public record and are not admissible in any forum. The Committee was instructed by counsel that they should be considered confidential and should not be released or forwarded to any other party.
Timeline Reminders
Dr Landman signed a separation agreement on May 16, 2012 and submitted his resignation letter on May 17, 2012. The separation agreement stated that Dr Landman had a 7 day waiting period in which he could revoke the agreement, and that therefore the agreement did not become effective or enforceable until 7 days after it was signed. After the 7 day waiting period, his resignation was announced via a press release on May 25, 2012, which was 4 days after the May 21, 2012 Annual Town Election.