School Committee Updates

At their June 12 meeting, Jon Graziano was elected Chair, and Ellen Scordino was elected Vice-Chair of the Hopkinton School Committee. The committee also voted to award a contract to Springboard Education to provide before and after school care at Hopkins School next year. The program would also be available to Center School students, but would be located at Hopkins. In addition, they voted to increase school lunch prices by $0.25 across the board next year in order to continue to get federal reimbursements. The new Middle School Handbook and Program of Studies for 2014-15 were also approved.
At their June 19 meeting, the School Committee voted to continue using the MCAS test next year, instead of the new PARCC test. The following year in 2015-16, the state will determine which test all districts will use, but for the coming year districts can choose. The committee also voted to approve the High School Handbook and Program of Studies for 2014-15. The Director of Finance projected a year end balance of $145,000, of which he recommended $125,000 be used to pre-pay special education tuition (the district receives a discount when they pre-pay) and $20,000 to purchase two new copiers to replace two units that have experienced significant levels of downtime this year. The committee approved his recommendations.
New Contact Info:
- Jonathan Graziano, Chair
- Ellen Scordino, Vice-Chair
- Jean Bertschmann
- Kelly Knight
- Lori Nickerson