Public Hearing – Proposed Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map Amendments

On Monday, February 23 at 7:30pm, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed zoning bylaw and zoning map amendments that have been recommended to the Planning Board by the Zoning Advisory Committee for the May 2015 Annual Town Meeting:
- RA/BD Districts boundary line – Rezone 5 parcels as RA in the B Street area.
- BD District – Allow off-street parking between a building and the street by special permit.
- Define Indoor Recreation and permit the use in the IB District.
- Signs – Lighting regulations, design and placement on buildings, prohibit off-
premises signs, increase maximum size of trades/professional signs. - Add site lighting regulations in the Site Plan Review bylaw.
- OSLPD – Trails in buffer; parcel size.
- Move definition of Lots in Two or More Residence Districts.
- Special Permit language – consolidate and reorganize.
- Crossroads Redevelopment District – Adopt new district, rezone 57 acres off Elm St. & Parkwood Dr.
- OSMUD Overlay District – Increase number of dwelling units from 940 to 1,120, of which 180 would be age-restricted; allow senior housing in Commercial and Village Center Subdistricts by right. (Legacy Farms)